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ZMC and AE Server Installation
1. Copy the ZMC & AE Server Installer binary files to the server where you want to install. Both ZMC & AE Server can be installed on same server or two different servers. 2. Log in to the server as the super user. 3. Make sure that the Installer binary files have executable permissions # chmod +x zmanda-zmc-<XXXXXXXXX> # chmod +x zmanda-backup-server-<XXXXXXXXX> 4. Run the installer files by executing following commands: # ./zmanda-zmc-<XXXXXXXXX> # ./zmanda-backup-server-<XXXXXXXXX> 5. Then the Installation starts and follow the on-screen instructions and complete the installation of both the binaries. Note: The installer performs several tasks after creating and populating the Zmanda directories. These are completed after the progress bar (which only tracks the archive extraction) shows 100% completion. Please wait till the installation is complete. 6. After the ZMC installation is completed, the link will be displayed to launch ZMC as shown in the screen below. Link : https://<IP Address>:8008 7. The default admin login details will be shared at the end of the ZMC binary installation in the ReadMe file section. User can change the password at first login or by using the reset-password utility mentioned in the readme section. This user account is different from the Zmanda Network user and operating system user. You can now login to the console using any supported browser and begin configuring the DLE’s and Backup sets. 8. Execute the following command to check if the ZMC [ zmc services] is installed correctly and is up and running: # setup-zmc 9. Executing following command to check if the AE Server [aee services] is installed correctly and is up and running: # setup-aee 10. If there is any issue with zmc services or aee services and they are not starting automatically, then execute the following commands to start them manually # systemctl start run-zmanda-zmc # systemctl start run-zmanda-backup-server Now check the services by following steps 8 and 9 instructions (!) Important notes: Points to be taken care after ZMC & AE Server installation: a) The amandabackup user should have privileges to have crontab entries to perform scheduled backups. In some distributions, the amandabackup user must be added to cron.allow file. This file is usually in /etc or /etc/cron.d directory. b) The amandabackup user should have permissions to read and write to disk and tape devices (if they are used for backup). The amandabackup user is automatically added to disk user group on Linux systems. It is important to restart ZMC and AE server after adding amandabackup user to the tape user group. c) If you intend to back up an Oracle server, the amandabackup user must have permission to write to the $ORACLE_HOME directory. d) The amandabackup user should have permission to write to the /tmp directory on the Amanda AE server. e) The directories /etc/amanda and /etc/zmanda must be on the same file system. f) Amanda clients must have open inbound TCP ports 10080 and 10081. g) Internal firewalls and selinux policy must not prevent PHP processes from using HTTP over the loopback address h) ZMC UI will default use the port 8008 and where as AE server uses 8002. 4.695 1.226 6.422-.47"/> </g></svg>
(!) Important notes:
Accessing Zmanda Management Console
Zmanda Management Console is accessed using a web browser. Zmanda Management Console is supported on latest version of Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox, Internet Explorer, Safari and Microsoft edge. Example: IP Address can be found in Readme file displayed at the end of ZMC installation If you are using the default port 8008, then access ZMC with below URL: https://<IP Address>:8008 The default port is 8008. Please make sure access to this port is allowed by network configuration (such as firewalls). To change the port number, follow the instructions in How to Change Zmanda Management Console (ZMC) Apache Ports After Installation? | Zmanda.
Reset Admin Password
If you want to reset your admin password, please follow the below instructions · Run the command /opt/zmanda/amanda/bin/reset-admin-password with superuser permission. # sudo /opt/zmanda/amanda/bin/reset-admin-password · Enter admin username. (The default user created with admin access is admin.) · Enter desired new password. It should be alphanumeric with at least one uppercase letter, special character ($,@,#,%,^,&,*,~) and minimum of 8 characters long. · Confirm the password by retyping. You will be prompted with success message on CLI and you can login to ZMC with new password
Uninstalling ZMC and AE Server You can uninstall Zmanda Management Console and Zmanda AE Server by running below commands:
Uninstalling ZMC and AE Server
# /opt/zmanda/amanda/zmanda-zmc-pkg/uninstall # /opt/zmanda/amanda/zmanda-backup-pkg/uninstall You can choose to leave the configuration files intact during the uninstallation process. The uninstaller program does not remove the backup scheduled in the crontab. They will have to be removed manually.
="24" viewbox="" role="presentation"><g fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> <path d="M12.856 5.457l-.937.92a1.002 1.002 0 000 1.437 1.047 1.047 0 001.463 0l.984-.966c.967-.95 2.542-1.135 3.602-.288a2.54 2.54 0 01.203 3.81l-2.903 2.852a2.646 2.646 0 01-3.696 0l-1.11-1.09L9 13.57l1.108 1.089c1.822 1.788 4.802 1.788 6.622 0l2.905-2.852a4.558 4.558 0 00-.357-6.82c-1.893-1.517-4.695-1.226-6.422.47"/> <path d="M11.144 19.543l.937-.92a1.002 1.002 0 000-1.437 1.047 1.047 0 00-1.462 0l-.985.966c-.967.9542 1.135-3.602.288a2.54 2.54 0 01-.203-3.81l2.903-2.852a2.646 2.646 0 013.696 0l1.11 1.09L15 11.43l-1.108-1.089c-1.822-1.788-4.802-1.788-6.622 0l-2.905 2.852a4.558 4.558 0 00.357 6.82c1.893 1.517 4.695 1.226 6.422-.4
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ZMC and AE Server Installation
1. Copy the ZMC & AE Server Installer binary files to the server where you want to install. Both ZMC & AE Server can be installed on same server or two different servers. 2. Log in to the server as the super user. 3. Make sure that the Installer binary files have executable permissions # chmod +x zmanda-zmc-<XXXXXXXXX> # chmod +x zmanda-backup-server-<XXXXXXXXX> 4. Run the installer files by executing following commands: # ./zmanda-zmc-<XXXXXXXXX> # ./zmanda-backup-server-<XXXXXXXXX> 5. Then the Installation starts and follow the on-screen instructions and complete the installation of both the binaries. Note: The installer performs several tasks after creating and populating the Zmanda directories. These are completed after the progress bar (which only tracks the archive extraction) shows 100% completion. Please wait till the installation is complete. 6. After the ZMC installation is completed, the link will be displayed to launch ZMC as shown in the screen below. Link : https://<IP Address>:8008 7. The default admin login details will be shared at the end of the ZMC binary installation in the ReadMe file section. User can change the password at first login or by using the reset-password utility mentioned in the readme section. This user account is different from the Zmanda Network user and operating system user. You can now login to the console using any supported browser and begin configuring the DLE’s and Backup sets. 8. Execute the following command to check if the ZMC [ zmc services] is installed correctly and is up and running: # setup-zmc 9. Executing following command to check if the AE Server [aee services] is installed correctly and is up and running: # setup-aee 10. If there is any issue with zmc services or aee services and they are not starting automatically, then execute the following commands to start them manually # systemctl start run-zmanda-zmc # systemctl start run-zmanda-backup-server Now check the services by following steps 8 and 9 instructions (!) Important notes: Points to be taken care after ZMC & AE Server installation: a) The amandabackup user should have privileges to have crontab entries to perform scheduled backups. In some distributions, the amandabackup user must be added to cron.allow file. This file is usually in /etc or /etc/cron.d directory. b) The amandabackup user should have permissions to read and write to disk and tape devices (if they are used for backup). The amandabackup user is automatically added to disk user group on Linux systems. It is important to restart ZMC and AE server after adding amandabackup user to the tape user group. c) If you intend to back up an Oracle server, the amandabackup user must have permission to write to the $ORACLE_HOME directory. d) The amandabackup user should have permission to write to the /tmp directory on the Amanda AE server. e) The directories /etc/amanda and /etc/zmanda must be on the same file system. f) Amanda clients must have open inbound TCP ports 10080 and 10081. g) Internal firewalls and selinux policy must not prevent PHP processes from using HTTP over the loopback address h) ZMC UI will default use the port 8008 and where as AE server uses 8002. 4.695 1.226 6.422-.47"/> </g></svg>
(!) Important notes:
Accessing Zmanda Management Console
Zmanda Management Console is accessed using a web browser. Zmanda Management Console is supported on latest version of Google Chrome, Mozilla FireFox, Internet Explorer, Safari and Microsoft edge. Example: IP Address can be found in Readme file displayed at the end of ZMC installation If you are using the default port 8008, then access ZMC with below URL: https://<IP Address>:8008 The default port is 8008. Please make sure access to this port is allowed by network configuration (such as firewalls). To change the port number, follow the instructions in How to Change Zmanda Management Console (ZMC) Apache Ports After Installation? | Zmanda.
Reset Admin Password
If you want to reset your admin password, please follow the below instructions · Run the command /opt/zmanda/amanda/bin/reset-admin-password with superuser permission. # sudo /opt/zmanda/amanda/bin/reset-admin-password · Enter admin username. (The default user created with admin access is admin.) · Enter desired new password. It should be alphanumeric with at least one uppercase letter, special character ($,@,#,%,^,&,*,~) and minimum of 8 characters long. · Confirm the password by retyping. You will be prompted with success message on CLI and you can login to ZMC with new password
Uninstalling ZMC and AE Server You can uninstall Zmanda Management Console and Zmanda AE Server by running below commands:
Uninstalling ZMC and AE Server
# /opt/zmanda/amanda/zmanda-zmc-pkg/uninstall # /opt/zmanda/amanda/zmanda-backup-pkg/uninstall You can choose to leave the configuration files intact during the uninstallation process. The uninstaller program does not remove the backup scheduled in the crontab. They will have to be removed manually.
="24" viewbox="" role="presentation"><g fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> <path d="M12.856 5.457l-.937.92a1.002 1.002 0 000 1.437 1.047 1.047 0 001.463 0l.984-.966c.967-.95 2.542-1.135 3.602-.288a2.54 2.54 0 01.203 3.81l-2.903 2.852a2.646 2.646 0 01-3.696 0l-1.11-1.09L9 13.57l1.108 1.089c1.822 1.788 4.802 1.788 6.622 0l2.905-2.852a4.558 4.558 0 00-.357-6.82c-1.893-1.517-4.695-1.226-6.422.47"/> <path d="M11.144 19.543l.937-.92a1.002 1.002 0 000-1.437 1.047 1.047 0 00-1.462 0l-.985.966c-.967.9542 1.135-3.602.288a2.54 2.54 0 01-.203-3.81l2.903-2.852a2.646 2.646 0 013.696 0l1.11 1.09L15 11.43l-1.108-1.089c-1.822-1.788-4.802-1.788-6.622 0l-2.905 2.852a4.558 4.558 0 00.357 6.82c1.893 1.517 4.695 1.226 6.422-.4
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