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Table of contents
  1. Zmanda Documentation (32880217 views)
  2. Enterprise Edition Documentation (108796 views)
  3. Amaddclient (16477 views)
  4. BackupWhere (11712 views)
  5. Installation of ZMC (11575 views)
  6. BackupWhat (10561 views)
  7. Star (9880 views)
  8. ZMC Users Manual (9606 views)
  9. Amserverconfig (9248 views)
  10. Amanda Enterprise Edition Security Features (9008 views)
  11. BackupHow (8849 views)
  12. Monitor (8430 views)
  13. ZCB Quick Start Gudie (8146 views)
  14. RestoreWhat (7685 views)
  15. RestoreWhere (7545 views)
  16. Error: changer: got exit: 2 str: 1 Drive not ready after 120 seconds, rewind said "/usr/lib/amanda/chg-zd-mtx: line 392: mt: command not found" (7414 views)
  17. Restorerestore (7390 views)
  18. BackupWhen (7387 views)
  19. ReportData (7327 views)
  20. VerifyData (7303 views)
  21. Troubleshooting tips (7165 views)
  22. Logs (7091 views)
  23. ReportSummary (7002 views)
  24. Amgpgcrypt (6840 views)
  25. ReportMedia (6596 views)
  26. Basic Configuration (6551 views)
  27. EventLog (6503 views)
  28. Amanda Enterprise Edition 3.0 Man pages (6388 views)
  29. ManageMedia (6118 views)
  30. Login (5961 views)
  31. HoldingDisk (5907 views)
  32. Amidxtape/tcp unknown protocol, amrecover - cannot talk to tape server error messages during recovery (5878 views)
  33. VerifyClients (5813 views)
  34. ReportTimeLine (5751 views)
  35. Error: can not read/write /etc/amandates: Permission denied (5507 views)
  36. User Guide (5483 views)
  37. ZIB 1.0 (5457 views)
  38. Installation Issues (5357 views)
  39. Finally, Can I do MySQL backups? (5351 views)
  40. Error: rewinding, reading label, reading label: Input/output error (5294 views)
  41. Configuring firewall using iptables between Amanda server and client (5208 views)
  42. VerifyServer (5163 views)
  43. If You are New to Amanda (5113 views)
  44. BackupWhere 2 (5045 views)
  45. End To End Test (5031 views)
  46. Amcryptsimple (5028 views)
  47. Error: NAK client hostname: access as amandabackup not allowed from amandabackup@backup server hostname: /var/lib/amanda/.amandahosts (4963 views)
  48. Restore Tab (4886 views)
  49. VerifyMedia (4868 views)
  50. Other Icons (4831 views)