Page last modified 18:22, 25 May 2006 by Ppragin?
Zmanda Documentation > How to dedicate a set of slots and a drive to an amanda config

How to dedicate a set of slots and a drive to an amanda config

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How to split one Tape Library to be used by several independant amanda configs

General info about devices used in the configs below:

Storage Changer /dev/sg2 is the the changer device /dev/sg2
Data Transfer Element 0 is tape drive /dev/nst0
Data Transfer Element 1 is tape drive /dev/nst1

Run mtx on the changer device to see all the slot and drive info:

-bash-3.00$ mtx -f /dev/sg2 status
 Storage Changer /dev/sg2:2 Drives, 25 Slots ( 0 Import/Export )
Data Transfer Element 0:Empty
Data Transfer Element 1:Empty
     Storage Element 1:Full :VolumeTag=000044
     Storage Element 2:Full :VolumeTag=000036
     Storage Element 3:Full :VolumeTag=000053
     Storage Element 4:Full :VolumeTag=000062
     Storage Element 5:Full :VolumeTag=000060
     Storage Element 6:Full :VolumeTag=000059
     Storage Element 7:Full :VolumeTag=000057
     Storage Element 8:Full :VolumeTag=00000105
     Storage Element 9:Full :VolumeTag=000056
     Storage Element 10:Full :VolumeTag=000043
     Storage Element 11:Full :VolumeTag=000031
     Storage Element 12:Full :VolumeTag=000037
     Storage Element 13:Full :VolumeTag=000045
     Storage Element 14:Full :VolumeTag=000054
     Storage Element 15:Full :VolumeTag=000041
     Storage Element 16:Full
     Storage Element 17:Empty
     Storage Element 18:Empty
     Storage Element 19:Empty
     Storage Element 20:Full :VolumeTag=000067
     Storage Element 21:Full :VolumeTag=BN2531
     Storage Element 22:Full :VolumeTag=ISV243D
     Storage Element 23:Empty
     Storage Element 24:Empty
     Storage Element 25:Empty

FIRST CONFIG (Uses tape drive 0 and slot 1-10) to run Daily backups:
Example of an amanda.conf:

org "zmanda"    # your organization name for reports
mailto "[email protected]"     # space separated list of operators at your site
dumpcycle 7     # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
runspercycle 6          # the number of amdump runs in dumpcycle days
                       # (4 weeks * 5 amdump runs per week -- just weekdays)
tapecycle 10 tapes       # the number of tapes in rotation
                       # 4 weeks (dumpcycle) times 5 tapes per week (just
                       # the weekdays) plus a few to handle errors that
                       # need amflush and so we do not overwrite the full
                       # backups performed at the beginning of the previous
                       # cycle
runtapes 1              # number of tapes to be used in a single run of amdump
tpchanger "chg-zd-mtx"  # the tape-changer glue script
tapedev "/dev/nst0"     # the no-rewind tape device to be used
changerfile "/etc/amanda/tape/changer"
changerdev "/dev/sg2"
tapetype DLT                    # what kind of tape it is (see tapetypes below)
holdingdisk hd2 {
   directory "/data/amanda/hold"
   use 50000Mb
labelstr "^DailyTape-[0-9][0-9]*$"     # label constraint regex: all tapes must match
dtimeout 1800           # number of idle seconds before a dump is aborted.
ctimeout 30             # maximum number of seconds that amcheck waits
                       # for each client host
etimeout 300            # number of seconds per filesystem for estimates.
includefile "./advanced.conf"
includefile "/etc/amanda/template.d/dumptypes"
includefile "/etc/amanda/template.d/tapetypes"

Example of a changer.conf:

havereader=1           #enables bracodes
firstslot=1            #first slot for amanda to use
lastslot=10            #last slot for amanda to use
driveslot=0            #drive number  for amanda to use
cleanslot=16            #where the cleaning tape is
autoclean=1             #auto clean on
autocleancount=15       # clean every 15 mounts

SECOND CONFIG (Uses tape drive 0 and slot 11-15) to run Weekly Full backups:
Example of an amanda.conf:

org "zmanda"    # your organization name for reports
mailto "[email protected]"     # space separated list of operators at your site
dumpcycle 0     # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
runspercycle 4          # the number of amdump runs in dumpcycle days
                       # (4 weeks * 5 amdump runs per week -- just weekdays)
tapecycle 5 tapes       # the number of tapes in rotation
                       # 4 weeks (dumpcycle) times 5 tapes per week (just
                       # the weekdays) plus a few to handle errors that
                       # need amflush and so we do not overwrite the full
                       # backups performed at the beginning of the previous
                       # cycle
runtapes 1              # number of tapes to be used in a single run of amdump
tpchanger "chg-zd-mtx"  # the tape-changer glue script
tapedev "/dev/nst0"     # the no-rewind tape device to be used
changerfile "/etc/amanda/tapetwo/changer"
changerdev "/dev/sg2"
tapetype DLT                    # what kind of tape it is (see tapetypes below)
holdingdisk hd2 {
   directory "/data/amanda/hold"
   use 50000 Mb
labelstr "^WeeklyTape-[0-9][0-9]*$"     # label constraint regex: all tapes must match
dtimeout 1800           # number of idle seconds before a dump is aborted.
ctimeout 30             # maximum number of seconds that amcheck waits
                       # for each client host
etimeout 300            # number of seconds per filesystem for estimates.
includefile "./advanced.conf"
includefile "/etc/amanda/template.d/dumptypes"
includefile "/etc/amanda/template.d/tapetypes"

Example of a changer.conf:

havereader=1           #enables bracodes
firstslot=11            #first slot for amanda to use
lastslot=15            #last slot for amanda to use
driveslot=0            #drive number  for amanda to use

THIRD CONFIG (Uses tape drive 1 and slot 20-23) to run Monthly Full backups:

Example of an amanda.conf:

org "zmanda" # your organization name for reports
mailto "[email protected]"   # space separated list of operators at your site
dumpcycle 0     # the number of days in the normal dump cycle
runspercycle 4          # the number of amdump runs in dumpcycle days
                       # (4 weeks * 5 amdump runs per week -- just weekdays)
tapecycle 4 tapes       # the number of tapes in rotation
                       # 4 weeks (dumpcycle) times 5 tapes per week (just
                       # the weekdays) plus a few to handle errors that
                       # need amflush and so we do not overwrite the full
                       # backups performed at the beginning of the previous
                       # cycle
runtapes 1              # number of tapes to be used in a single run of amdump
tpchanger "chg-zd-mtx"  # the tape-changer glue script
tapedev "/dev/nst1"     # the no-rewind tape device to be used
changerfile "/etc/amanda/tapethree/changer" # chg-zd-mtx appends .conf to changerfile
changerdev "/dev/sg2"
tapetype DLT                    # what kind of tape it is (see tapetypes below)
holdingdisk hd2 {
   directory "/data/amanda/hold"
   use 50000 Mb
labelstr "^MonthlyTape-[0-9][0-9]*$"   # label constraint regex: all tapes must match
dtimeout 1800           # number of idle seconds before a dump is aborted.
ctimeout 30             # maximum number of seconds that amcheck waits
                       # for each client host 
etimeout 300            # number of seconds per filesystem for estimates.
includefile "./advanced.conf"
includefile "/etc/amanda/template.d/dumptypes"
includefile "/etc/amanda/template.d/tapetypes"

Example of a changer.conf:

havereader=1           #enables bracodes
firstslot=20            #first slot for amanda to use
lastslot=23            #last slot for amanda to use
driveslot=1            #drive number  for amanda to use
cleanslot=16            #where the cleaning tape is
autoclean=1             #auto clean on
autocleancount=15       # clean every 15 mounts