Zmanda Solaris Client

Amanda Enterprise Edition client for Solaris is certified Amanda network backup software, tested and supported by Zmanda. This document has been prepared in conjunction with the Amanda Enterprise Edition Solaris client 2.6.3 release.

Amanda Enterprise Edition Solaris client packages are available for the following platforms from the Zmanda network:

  • Solaris 10 running on Sparc platform
  • Solaris 9 running on Sparc platform
  • Solaris 8 running on Sparc platform

This document discusses the Amanda Enterprise Edition Solaris client installation, configuration and verification procedures. Please refer to Amanda Enterprise Edition 2.6.3 Administrator's Guide for information on how to install and configure the Amanda server and Amanda clients for Linux platforms. All Amanda enterprise 2.6.3 features discussed in Amanda Enterprise Edition 2.6.3 Administrator's Guide also apply to Solaris clients.


Amanda Enterprise Edition Solaris client packages are available from the <html> <a href="" target="_top" class='external text' title="" rel="nofollow">Zmanda Network Downloads</a> </html> page.

These Solaris packages provide Amanda client software only. An Amanda Solaris client will work with any Amanda server running Amanda Enterprise Edition 2.5.1, 2.6.x

The Amanda client packages require other packages to be installed. These packages are also available from <html> <a href="" target="_top" class='external text' title="" rel="nofollow">Zmanda Network Downloads</a> </html>. Some of the packages might already be installed on the Sun machine under a different package name. Please verify that the correct versions of required packages are installed.

The Zmanda Network also contains optional Solaris packages such as GPG and Schily tar (star) that can be used with the Amanda Solaris client. These packages are required only if certain specific Amanda features are used in the Amanda configuration.

Pre-installation checklist

  • All Solaris packages from Zmanda Network are compressed using GNU zip (gzip). The gzip package is available from Zmanda Network.
  • Check if SSH (secure shell) software is installed: the Amanda client for Solaris 10 requires Solaris package SUNWsshcu to be installed on the client machine. The SUNWsshcu Solaris package is available from your Solaris distribution.

target="_top" class='external text' title="" rel="nofollow">Zmanda Network Downloads</a> </html> page. Solaris CSWgtar version 1.15.1 is required for Amanda client installation.

target="_top" class='external text' title="" rel="nofollow">Zmanda Network Downloads</a> </html> pages - CSWgnupg (if GPG data encryption is required on the Amanda client), CSWstar (if Schily tar will be used as backup program on the Amanda client).

  • To use Amanda SSH transport authentication, SUNWsshdr, SUNWsshdu, SUNWsshr and SUNWsshu from the Solaris distribution are required.

Client installation

  • Amanda client installation has to be done as the super user (the root user).

target="_top" class='external text' title="" rel="nofollow">Zmanda Network Downloads</a> </html> page.

  • Save or copy the Solaris package to the Amanda client machine, for example, to the /tmp directory.
  • The Amanda client package is compressed using gzip. Uncompress the packages using the gunzip command.
# gunzip AmandaEnterpriseBackupClient-2.6.3-SunOS5.10-sparc.pkg.gz
  • Install AmandaEnterpriseBackupClient package using pkgadd command.

Example: Amanda client installation on Solaris 10

# pkgadd -d AmandaEnterpriseBackupClient-2.6.3-SunOS5.10-sparc.pkg
The following packages are available:
 1  AmandaEnterpriseBackupClient     Amanda Enterprise Backup Client from Zmanda
                                      (sparc) 2.6.3
Select package(s) you wish to process (or 'all' to process
all packages). (default: all) [?,??,q]: all
Processing package instance <AmandaEnterpriseBackupClient> from
Amanda Enterprise Backup Client from Zmanda
( sparc) 2.6.3
Using </> as the package base directory.
## Processing package information.
## Processing system information.
## Verifying package dependencies.
## Verifying disk space requirements.
## Checking for conflicts with packages already installed.
## Checking for setuid/setgid programs.
The following files are being installed with setuid and/or setgid
 /usr/lib/amanda/calcsize <setuid root>
 /usr/lib/amanda/killpgrp <setuid root>
 /usr/lib/amanda/rundump <setuid root>
 /usr/lib/amanda/runstar <setuid root>
 /usr/lib/amanda/runtar <setuid root>
Do you want to install these as setuid/setgid files [y,n,?,q] y
This package contains scripts which will be executed with super-user
permission during the process of installing this package.
Do you want to continue with the installation of
<AmandaEnterpriseBackupClient> [y,n,?] y
Installing Amanda Enterprise Backup Client from Zmanda as <AmandaEnterpriseBackupClient>
## Executing preinstall script.
Apr 28 2007 16:10:19: Preparing to install: AmandaEnterpriseBackupClient - Version 2.6.3
Apr 28 2007 16:10:19: Checking for 'amandabackup' user...
Apr 28 2007 16:10:19:
Apr 28 2007 16:10:19:  The Amanda backup software is configured to operate as the
Apr 28 2007 16:10:19:  user 'amandabackup'.  This user exists on your system and has not
Apr 28 2007 16:10:19:  been modified.  To ensure that Amanda functions properly,
Apr 28 2007 16:10:19:  please see that the following parameters are set for that
Apr 28 2007 16:10:19:  user.:
Apr 28 2007 16:10:19:
Apr 28 2007 16:10:19:  SHELL:          /bin/sh
Apr 28 2007 16:10:19:  HOME:           //var/lib/amanda
Apr 28 2007 16:10:19:  Default group:  disk
Apr 28 2007 16:10:19:
Apr 28 2007 16:10:19:
Apr 28 2007 16:10:19: === Amanda Enterprise backup client installation started. ===
##Installing part 1 of 1.
/usr/lib/ <symbolic link>
/usr/lib/ <symbolic link>
/usr/lib/ <symbolic link>
/var/lib/amanda/example <implied directory>
[ verifying class <none> ]
## Executing postinstall script.
Apr 28 2007 16:10:20: Installing '//etc/amandates'.
Apr 28 2007 16:10:20: Ensuring correct permissions for '//etc/amandates'.
Apr 28 2007 16:10:20: '//etc/amandates' Installation successful.
Apr 28 2007 16:10:20: Checking '//var/lib/amanda/.amandahosts' file.
Apr 28 2007 16:10:20: Checking '//etc/amanda/amanda-client.conf' file.
Apr 28 2007 16:10:20: Installing '//var/lib/amanda/.gnupg'.
Apr 28 2007 16:10:20: '//var/lib/amanda/.gnupg' will be created.
Apr 28 2007 16:10:20: The directory '//var/lib/amanda/.gnupg' created successfully.
Apr 28 2007 16:10:21: Ensuring correct permissions for '//etc/.gnupg'.
Apr 28 2007 16:10:21: '//var/lib/amanda/.gnupg' Installation successful.
Apr 28 2007 16:10:21: Creating directory '//var/lib/amanda/.ssh'.
Apr 28 2007 16:10:21: Creating ssh RSA key in '//var/lib/amanda/.ssh/id_rsa_amrecover'
Apr 28 2007 16:10:21: Setting owner and permission for '//var/lib/amanda/.ssh' and '//var/lib/amanda/.ssh/id_rsa_amrecover*'
Apr 28 2007 16:10:21: Checking for '//var/lib/amanda/.profile' and ensuring correct environment.
Apr 28 2007 16:10:21: Setting ownership and permissions for '//var/lib/amanda/.profile'
Apr 28 2007 16:10:21: === Amanda Enterprise backup client installation complete. ===
Amanda installation log can be found in '//var/log/amanda/install.log' and errors (if any) in '//var/log/amanda/install.err'.
Installation of <AmandaEnterpriseBackupClient> was successful.
  • Amanda client configuration files are created during Amanda client package installation. The list of files that are modified during installation can be seen in the above installation command output.
  • The logs for Amanda client package installation can be found in /var/log/amanda/install.log. If there are installation errors, messages are logged to the /var/log/amanda/install.err file.
  • During the install, the amandabackup user is created if it does not already exist. Please assign a password for the amandabackup user.

Post-installation checklist

Note: These tasks must be performed as super user (the root user).
Check installation log files

The Amanda installation log can be found in /var/log/amanda/install.log and errors (if any) in /var/log/amanda/install.err.
Make sure there are no errors in the log files.

Check xinetd configuration

Make sure the following line is in the /etc/services file on the Amanda client:

amanda       10080/tcp

Configure the Amanda xinetd service:

Solaris 9/10

Run the command:
# inetadm |grep svc:/network/amanda/tcp |grep online
Make sure the output from the above command is:
enabled   online         svc:/network/amanda/tcp:default
To restart the Amanda service when necessary, run the command:
# svcadm restart network/amanda/tcp

Solaris 8

Make sure the following line is in the /etc/inet/inetd.conf file:
 amanda stream tcp nowait amandabackup /usr/lib/amanda/amandad amandad -auth=bsdtcp amdump
To restart inetd when necessary, run the command:
# pkill -HUP inetd
Run amcheck on the Amanda server

Fix all configuration problems found by the amcheck command. Run the command as the amandabackup user on the Amanda server.

$ amcheck -c TestConfig

Amanda client configuration

  • All Amanda client configuration is done on the Amanda server.
  • Run the amaddclient configuration tool on the Amanda server to configure the Amanda client DLE (Disk List Entries). A DLE defines the filesystem that should be backed up and how it should be backed up.

Example: Using amaddclient to configure a filesystem backup on a Solaris client (

$ amaddclient --config TestConfig --client --diskdev /home/sysadmin \
    --dumptype  comp-user
  • The recommended configuration for dumptype definition in amanda.conf is comp-user (bsdtcp authentication, compress client fast data compression)

Validating backup/recovery

This section describes how to test backup and recovery of the Amanda client. Backup and recovery steps must be done on the Amanda backup server as the amandabackup user unless noted otherwise.

  • Do a full backup. You can use the amreport command to find out if the backup operation was successful.
$ amdump TestConfig

TestConfig is the Amanda configuration that includes backup of the newly created Amanda Solaris client.

  • Do an incremental backup. Running another amdump command will do an incremental backup for the configuration.
$ amdump TestConfig
  • On the Amanda Solaris client as root, try to recover files from the backup. Run the amrecover command to recover files. Recover files to a temporary directory on the Amanda solaris client.
# amrecover TestConfig -s <Amanda server name> -t <Amanda server name>
  • Compare the recovered files to the original files on the Amanda client.
  • In case of errors, check the debug log files in /tmp/amanda directory on the Amanda Solaris client.

Compatibility with Amanda server

The Amanda Enterprise 2.6.3 Solaris client is compatible with Amanda servers running Amanda Enterprise Edition 2.5.1 and 2.6.x (with and without Zmanda Management Console).

Upgrading from Amanda Solaris clients (compiled on your own)

  • The Amanda Enterprise Edition 2.6.3 source tar ball can be compiled on the Solaris platform.
  • Successfully upgrading from a self-compiled version of the Amanda client to Amanda Enterprise Edition 2.6.2 depends on the compile-time configuration parameters. Some configuration changes may be required to compile and upgrade. Please contact [email protected] if you are interested in upgrading to the Amanda Enterprise 2.6.3 Solaris client.