ZMC includes a support script that gathers various logs helpful for troubleshooting. It includes options for mailing the logs to the Zmanda Support Team (e-mail must be configured and running on the Amanda server).
To start the script, log in as root and run the following commands:
# cd /opt/zmanda/amanda/bin # ./zm-support
This generates an archive of all the log files in the current directory. The automatically-generated file name will be displayed at the end of zm-support run:
. . . /opt/zmc/logs/zmc_gui_debug.log /opt/zmc/logs/zmc_gui_errors.log /opt/zmc/logs/zmc_installer_16904.log /opt/zmc/logs/zmc_server.log /opt/zmc/mysql/data/mysqld.log /opt/zmc/apache2/logs/access_log /opt/zmc/apache2/logs/error_log /opt/zmc/apache2/logs/ /opt/zmc/apache2/logs/NOTEMPTY Please send this log file -> zm-logs-ZmandaNetworkAccountID-LogID.tar.g
You can email the file using your regular e-mail mechanism.
Alternatively, use zm-support --ship-to-zmanda to send the logs, assuming e-mail is configured on the Amanda server.
The --help option generates a usage message. Options are detailed below.
The zwc-support utility collects system log files, log files related to ZWC and system related information. The utility then archives these log files into a single compressed file. This compressed file can be then sent to the Zmanda Support team for analysis.
The Zmanda Client for Windows support utility zwc-support.bat gets installed when you install the Zmanda Client for Windows. The default location of the utility is C:\Program Files\Zmanda\Zmanda Client for Windows\bin.
The following types of log files are gathered by zwc-support:
After the utility is run, an output file with the name is created in the Zmanda installation directory.