Containerizing ZMC

Table of contents
  1. 1. Prerequisites:

Containerizing would isolate ZMC from all other applications, which will reduce the setup failures due to customer environment issues by a huge margin and yields better performance. We will also be able to create multiple Backup Servers for same IP address with exclusive ports.


  1. Docker engine
  2. Docker-compose

Installation of Docker Engine 

1.     Install yum-utils 

                  sudo yum install-y yum-utils 

2.     Add the Docker repository 

                  sudo yum-config-manager \ 

3.     Install Docker  

                  sudo yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli 

       4.     Start Docker  

                  sudo systemctl start docker              

       5.     Run the hello-world image to make sure everything works

                  sudo docker run helo-world


Installation of Docker-Compose 

1.     Download Docker Compose 

sudo curl -L "$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose 

2.     Add execution perms to the download 

sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose 

3.     Link to the docker-compose command 

sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose 

4.      Run “docker-compose –version” to confirm


Deployment - Rest server  

1.      tar -xvf zmc_latest.tar  

2.      cd zmc-pre-f [all the following steps must be executed from within this directory] 

3.      docker load < zmc_4-1-> this will create a local copy of the our zmc-rest-server image.  

4.      Delete file zmc_4-1 

5.      Use zmcDB_v5.sql in "zmc-pre-f" to create the remote db with the following cmd  

a.      mysql -u<user> -p [name of empty db] <  zmcDB_v5.sql 

6.      vi db_params/my.cnf then update your remote db connection params . 

7.      [SKIP this step if already performed while deploying backup server] Create file 'port_ranges' in the directory path '/var/lib/amanda/', this file must contain the range of port numbers that can be used  by zmc containers.  

Format of the must be: The file will contain only 2 lines, 1st line will be the lower limit of the range and 2nd line will be the upper limit of the range.  




        8.      Run "./run-docker.dist/run-docker", to start the container. 

9.      Now, go to "https:/[hostname]:[port number]/" to access Zmanda Console, to get the port number, open "run_docker-compose.yml" and then copy the left hand side value under "ports:" section. Your zmc ui will be accessible with the credentials: Username = admin, password = Bet$0l@2020                      //This can be changed after login.  

     10.  To check mac address:  

docker-compose exec app ip addr list              //license should be generated using this mac                    address.  

11.  [Optional] Restart services:  

docker-compose exec app systemctl restart __sub-zmc-rest.service __sub-zmc-ui.service run-zmanda-zmc.service   


Deployment - Backup server:  

1.      tar -xvf aee_latest.tar  

2.      Rename the extracted directory  

3.      cd <extracted dir> [all the following steps must to be executed from within this directory]  

4.      docker load < aee_4-1  

5.      ./create-aee-network                                             //Should be run only once  

6.      Delete file aee_4-1  

7.      [SKIP this step if already performed while deploying backup server]  

Create file 'port_ranges' in the directory path '/var/lib/amanda/', this file must contain the range of port numbers that can be used  by zmc containers.  

Format of the must be: The file will contain only 2 lines, 1st line will be the lower limit of the range and 2nd line will be the upper limit of the range.  




        8. >custom_volumes

9. [Optional] Update "custom_volumes" to add new volume mappings to the        containers, in the              following format: 

a. /home:/home, i.e., <host path>:<container path> 

    By default, this file will be empty. 


10. Run "./run-docker.dist/run-docker", to start the container.  

11.   Now, for all successive backup-server container deployment:  

a.      Follow steps 1 through 3, then 8, 9 and 10