
Table of contents
  1. 1. Upgrading ZMC and Backup Server from 4.0.1 to 4.1<svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="" role="presentation"><g fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> <path d="M12.856 5.457l-.937.92a1.002 1.002 0 000 1.437 1.047 1.047 0 001.463 0l.984-.966c.967-.95 2.542-1.135 3.602-.288a2.54 2.54 0 01.203 3.81l-2.903 2.852a2.646 2.646 0 01-3.696 0l-1.11-1.09L9 13.57l1.108 1.089c1.822 1.788 4.802 1.788 6.622 0l2.905-2.852a4.558 4.558 0 00-.357-6.82c-1.893-1.517-4.695-1.226-6.422.47"/> <path d="M11.144 19.543l.937-.92a1.002 1.002 0 000-1.437 1.047 1.047 0 00-1.462 0l-.985.966c-.967.95-2.542 1.135-3.602.288a2.54 2.54 0 01-.203-3.81l2.903-2.852a2.646 2.646 0 013.696 0l1.11 1.09L15 11.43l-1.108-1.089c-1.822-1.788-4.802-1.788-6.622 0l-2.905 2.852a4.558 4.558 0 00.357 6.82c1.893 1.517 4.695 1.226 6.422-.47"/> </g></svg>
  2. 2. Upgrading ZMC and Backup Server from to 4.0.1<svg width="24" height="24" viewbox="" role="presentation"><g fill="currentColor" fill-rule="evenodd"> <path d="M12.856 5.457l-.937.92a1.002 1.002 0 000 1.437 1.047 1.047 0 001.463 0l.984-.966c.967-.95 2.542-1.135 3.602-.288a2.54 2.54 0 01.203 3.81l-2.903 2.852a2.646 2.646 0 01-3.696 0l-1.11-1.09L9 13.57l1.108 1.089c1.822 1.788 4.802 1.788 6.622 0l2.905-2.852a4.558 4.558 0 00-.357-6.82c-1.893-1.517-4.695-1.226-6.422.47"/> <path d="M11.144 19.543l.937-.92a1.002 1.002 0 000-1.437 1.047 1.047 0 00-1.462 0l-.985.966c-.967.95-2.542 1.135-3.602.288a2.54 2.54 0 01-.203-3.81l2.903-2.852a2.646 2.646 0 013.696 0l1.11 1.09L15 11.43l-1.108-1.089c-1.822-1.788-4.802-1.788-6.622 0l-2.905 2.852a4.558 4.558 0 00.357 6.82c1.893 1.517 4.695 1.226 6.422-.47"/> </g></svg>

Upgrading from Amanda Enterprise 3.6

You have to migrate from Amanda Enterprise 3.6 to 4.X versions. Please refer Migration Page for detailed steps. 

Upgrading ZMC and Backup Server from 4.0.1 to 4.1

  1. Copy .am_passphrase file from /var/lib/amanda to preserve server encryption key.
  2. Uninstall 4.0.1 AE server using the uninstall script /opt/zmanda/amanda/zmanda-backup-pkg/uninstall and UI using /opt/zmanda/amanda/zmanda-zmc-pkg/uninstall.
  3. Make sure to install mt-st before installing the 4.1 binaries in order to do the tape setup. In case if mt-st is installed later, then make sure to run "setup-aee" utility as root user.  
  4. Install 4.1 server and UI binaries. Restart services manually if they are not running already.
  5. Re-upload the license file.
  6. Click Sync storage devices on the storages page to sync Tape storage devices of the previous version.

Note :

  1. It is mandatory to upgrade both Server and ZMC to 4.1 binaries.

  2. DO NOT try to upgrade to 4.1 from directly. Upgrade from to 4.0.1 and then to 4.1.

Upgrading ZMC and Backup Server from to 4.0.1

  1. DO NOT USE /opt/zmanda/amanda/zmanda*/uninstall script to uninstall server and UI if you wish to upgrade to 4.0.1 by preserving the data of
  2. Uninstall using the uninstall script user-scripts_zmanda-safe-uninstall-pre-4.0.1.sh
  3. Install 4.0.1 server and UI. Restart services manually if they are not running already.
  4. Re-upload the license file.

Note :

  1. Its a mandate to upgrade both Server and ZMC binaries.

  2. Click here to download the Uninstall script.
  3. User can download the Uninstall script by command on their Linux system “wget https://cdn.zmanda.com/downloads/Enterprise/Linux/4.0.1/user-scripts_zmanda-safe-uninstall-pre-4.0.1.sh” .