An example Backup How page is shown below (default options). When Raw Backup Mode is selected, Snapshot panel will also appear
Backup Parameters
Backup Mode
There are two possible values:
A raw backup makes a copy of the binary disk image of databases stored on non-transactional storage engines by using mysqlhotcopy. Because the database must be quiescent while any type of backup is in progress, raw backups often provide shorter backup windows, especially if a snapshot plugin is used. Although raw backups can be restored more quickly than logical backups, they can only be restored to same version of MySQL server on the same platform architecture. If any of the databases or tables are stored on a transactional storage engine (such as InnoDB), a logical mysqldump backup is taken instead unless snapshot backup method is configured.

When you select Raw Backup Mode, the snapshot options are displayed in the page.
If the snapshot backup fails, ZRM automatically defaults to Raw backup using mysqlhotcopy command if the backup set contains only non-transacational storage engines such as MyISAM. ZRM tries to ensure a successful backup method is performed. To disable this feature, set
in the /etc/mysql-zrm/<backup set name>/mysql-zrm.conf* configuration file for the backup set in the ZRM server.
- Logical
- Choosing this option forces a mysqldump backup that copies MySQL binary logs regardless of the storage engine. MySQL binary logs track and save all database server transactions as a list of SQL statements. To implement a logical backup strategy, binary logging must be enabled on the MySQL server, and a path to the log files must be supplied (the default is /var/lib/mysql) in the Binary Log Path field.
- Logical backup method works with all MySQL storage engines except the MySQL cluster NDB storage engine. Logical backups can also be restored to any platform architecture or database that supports SQL. For example: Backups of MySQL database running on Redhat Enterprise server powerpc platform can be restored to Ubuntu server running on x86 platform.
- Because logical backups require a read lock on the database(s) or tables being backed up, they can have a greater impact on the applications using the MySQL database. Logical backups also result in increased restore times, as restoring the data is accomplished by re-playing the transactions against the target database instead of just copying files.
If the snapshot backup fails, ZRM automatically defaults to Logical backup using mysqldump command if the backup set contains transacational storage engines such as InnoDB. ZRM tries to ensure a successful backup method is performed. To disable this feature, set
in the /etc/mysql-zrm/<backup set name>/mysql-zrm.conf* configuration file for the backup set in the ZRM server.
- Binary Log Path
- Enter the full path where the MySQL binary logs are stored once binary logging has been enabled. If nothing is entered here, the site default path is used.
Backup Alerts/Logging
- Email Address (or Update Windows Event Log on Windows servers)
- On Linux/Solaris servers, enter the email address of the ZMC backup administrator. All backup run notifications and summary reports will be automatically sent to the email address based on the email policy. A mail user agent (MUA) such as Mailx must be manually configured on the MySQL server before any email can be sent. To email reports and notifications to more than one user, set up a group email alias on your mail server and enter group email alias here. Alternatively, you can enter multiple email addresses separated by space. For example: [email protected] [email protected]
- On Windows ZRM servers, select whether to use the Windows Event Log to save and display notifications and summary reports. Note that even when logging successful ZRM operations, the Windows Event Log will show the following error.
- The "Event description not found" messages can be safely ignored.
- Email Policy
- This policy determines when email should be sent to the configured Email Address. Policy can be After every backup (the default value), Never (no notification is performed) or Backup with error (when there are failures in the backup run).
Verbose logging should turned on or off. Zmanda Support Team will ask you turn on verbose logging for backup sets to troubleshoot problems in a backup set.
MySQL Integration Parameters
These options allow you to optimize backup performance by selecting from the various options described below.
- MySQL Replication
- Specifies whether ZRM for MySQL will use the MySQL Replication facility that has been enabled on the MySQL server that is to be backed up. Backing up a replication slave reduces impact on the production database near zero while backups are in progress. When this option is enabled and the mMySQL server is a replication slave, ZRM for MySQL will back up the, and any SQL_LOAD-* files if they exist. For further details on the benefits of using a replication slave for backup, see this MySQL documentation. The and files are described here.
- Dump Store Routine
- To improve the performance of database functions and procedures, MySQL versions 5.0 and higher allow users to compile and store them as reusable routines (Stored routines). This option specifies whether stored routines should be include during logical backups. The default value is No. If your version of MySQL supports this feature, it should probably be set to Yes. Setting the value to Default implies Site specific value is used for this parameter.
- Force InnoDB Backup
- Choose whether to force backup of InnoDB logs and shared data regardless of whether any tables in the backup set are stored by InnoDB. If set to No, ZRM for MySQL performs a check, and does not back up InnoDB logs and shared data unless the backup set has tables stored by InnoDB. In most cases, the default of Yes provides the best performance, because the check takes longer than just backing up the InnoDB tables.
- Default Character Set
- Specify the default character set that is used in the MySQL database. The default value is utf8; if the database uses a different character set, reset accordingly.
Logical Backup Options
Parameters to the mysqldump MySQL command. Logical backup uses mysqldump command. You can customize the options using this field. For example: "--max_allowed_packet=1G" can be specified as value. These parameters are used in addition to parameters passed by ZRM.
Plugin Parameters
Plugins allow you to specify various operations before before, during, and after the backup. Plugins are available for compression, encryption, and what copy mechanism to use. You can also integrate your own pre- and post-backup plugin operations.
- Compression
- Backup compression is performed on the ZRM server. Allows you to compress the image using gzip on the ZRM server. If the storage engine already compresses data (such as ARCHIVE storage engine), there is no value in setting this to Yes.
- OTF (On the Fly) Compression
- (Applies only to logical backups) Specify whether backup image files stored on disk should be compressed as the backup progresses. The default is to start compression only after all backup files have been saved to disk. Turning this option on can save disk space, but results in slower backups.
- Encryption
- Backup encryption is performed on the ZRM server. Default encryption is performed using GPG. ZRM server should have GPG (GNU Privacy Guard) packages installed. These packages are part of Linux and Solaris distribution. The default encryption algorithm used is AES 256. If different key length or cryptographic algorithm is required, please modify gpg parameters in the script /usr/share/mysql-zrm/plugins/ on the ZRM server. Please contact Zmanda support team for help.
- Path to passphrase file
The full path to the encryption passphrase file. The encryption file is usually stored as /etc/mysql-zrm/<backup set name>/.passphrase on the ZRM server. The passphrase should be owned by mysql user and should have 400 permission. It is very important to protect the contents of the passphrase file. Passphrase file contains the sequence of words or a string that is used for encryption. It is important to choose a good passphrase. The longer and more random the passphrase, the more difficult to crack the encryption. The passphrase file should contain the passphrase in the first line (other lines in the file are not read). A method to generate passphrase is to use the following command:
$ gpg --gen-random 1 16 | gpg --enarmor | sed -n 5p > /etc/mysql-zrm/<backup set name>/.passphrase
Backup Encryption Caution: It is very important to store the and the passphrase file used for the backup set. These files are necessary
for restoration. Without these files, it is impossible to restore the backup image and backup image is no longer useful.
- Copy
- The copy plugin is used to transfer backup files to and from a remote MySQL server to the ZRM server. Use this option in the following circumstances:
- backing up any Windows-based MySQL server; use the Windows copy plugin.
- remote incremental backup is required
- copying replication-related files from a remote machine
- executing mysqlhotcopy (MySQL command) to copy the data from the remote MySQL server
- executing mysqlhotcopy to restore the data to a remote MySQL server.
- backing up remote machines via snapshot backups.
- For non-Windows remote MySQL servers, choose SSH or Socket, and then enter the appropriate parameters for the option selected. Available copy plugins are described below:
- Secure Shell-based communication. Use when a higher level of security is required (such as when the client and server communicate across a firewall). You must then enter the SSH username on the remote MySQL server, and the path where MySQL commands are installed on the remote machine. For backup, it is necessary to set up password-less ssh configuration is required (i.e, mysql user on ZRM server should be able to ssh to MySQL server without being prompted for password). During restore, users will prompted for ssh password if needed. The user id and group id of mysql user must be same on the ZRM and MySQL server.
- Socket
- Socket-based communication. This is the default copy plugin. This requires that the ZRM client components are installed on the remote machine, as described in the Installation Instructions. You must then enter a port for the remote socket (the factory default is 25300. The path where MySQL commands are installed on the remote machine must be provided. The user id and group id of mysql user must be same on the ZRM and MySQL server.
- Windows
- The Windows copy plugin is required for backing up any Windows-based MySQL server. It requires the ZRM for MySQL Windows client components described in the Installation Instructions. You must then enter the communications ports to use during backup (default is 10080) and restore (default is 10081) operations
- MySQL Enterprise Backup/InnoDB Hot Backup
- Choose Yes to use Oracle's InnoDB Hot Backup or MySQL Enterprise Backup to perform the backup. Oracle's InnoDB Hot Backup must be purchased from or use MySQL Enterprise Server Standard edition or higher. This option provides integration between ZRM and InnoDB product. This allows backup to proceed without setting any locks or impacting database operation. You must then supply the path to the InnoDB Hot Backup tools: the ibbackup binary and the script, which must be installed in the same path on the MySQL server being backed up. The default path is /usr/bin. You will need to download the script from Zmanda Network. The mysql user should have permissions to execute the script. MEB disk throttle can be specified to throttle disk I/O during backup. It is specified in milliseconds, the backup sleeps for that time between disk I/O.
Choose Custom to activate the feature (unless you have set a site setting; the factory setting is to use no pre-backup plugin), then specify the full path and any command-line options to the script or utility you want executed before the backup run starts. This feature can be used to check and prepare the MySQL server environment for backup. For example, you could use it to notify all MySQL database users that a backup is about to begin.
ZRM for MySQL does not check if the path is a valid path, nor if the plugin is present at the given location. The recommended location for plugins is /usr/share/mysql-zrm/plugins directory. A template file ( is installed in this location; use the template when writing your own pre-backup plugin. All pre-backup plugin scripts must accept the following command-line parameters (which are passed to the plugin using the Plugin Option(s) field:
- --all-databases
- Use when all databases in the MySQL server are being backed up.
- --database database1 database2...
- Use when selected databases are being backed up.
- --database database --tables table1 table2 ...
Use to specify the list of tables in the database that are being backed up.
The script should be written to return a non-zero value on error; pre-backup plugin failures should cancel the backup and generate a failure message for reports and logs.
- Post-backup
- Choose Custom to activate the feature (unless you have set a site setting; the factory setting is to use no post-backup plugin), then specify the full path and any command-line options to the script or utility you want executed after the backup run is completed. A template file ( is installed in this location; use the template when writing your own pre-backup plugin. In addition the parameters for the pre-backup plugin described above, the post-backup plugin should be written to accept the following additional options:
- --backup-directory path
The post-backup plugin is executed twice: before the checksum is performed, and after the checksum is complete. See the man page for mysql-zrm-backup(1) for more details on how the post-backup plugin operates and the flags it returns.
Note that although failures of the post-backup plugin are logged, they are not included in backup reports if the backup itself succeeded.
- Snapshot
- Select a snapshot plugin if desired. Snapshot plugins are described in more detail in the Snapshot Plugins section of this manual.
- Backup Type
- This field appears only when Snapshot plugins are used. The values are shown below:

Standard (Copy)
Full and Incremental backups are copied to the ZRM server to the destination location specified in the Backup Where page.
Quick (No-Copy)
Full backups are maintained as snapshots. Full backup are not copied to the ZRM server. This backup is faster but full backup will not available if the storage system fails. So, it is important to convert quick backups to regular backups. Incremental backups are copied over to ZRM server.