Restore Where

Restore Where

The Restore Where page lets you specify where the database is to be restored: either the original source, or some other database on some other machine.



These are the same fields on the Backup What page MySQL Server Parameters panel describe here. As noted, you can fill them out to connect to the original database (in other words, with the same values used in the Backup What page), or fill them out to point to a different server. Click Next Step when you are done.


EBS snapshot restore parameters

In addition to other restore parameters, restoration from Amazon Elastic Block Storage snapshot full backups requires the target Amazon EC2 instance id to where the snapshots are restored to. ZMC also provides an option to change device mapping from the original backup. Device mapping maps how the EBS volumes and mount points on the original Amazon EC2 instance which was backed up. For example: the mapping at the time of backup could be:

  /innodb_data : /dev/sda
  /db : /dev/sdb
  /innodb_logs : /dev/sdd

It could be changed at the time of restoration on the restore target EC2 instance. ZRM remembers the original mapping as part of the backup image.

The snapshots are restored and incremental backups are replayed on the target EC2 instance. If there are EBS volumes already mounted at the mount point, the restoration will fail. To prevent this, Check Unmount Existing to allow ZRM to unmount existing volumes before restoration of full backups.

EBS snapshot restore panel


Above panel appears only when the backup being restored contains Amazon EBS snapshots.