Admin Users

ZMC User administration

The Admin Users provides a convenient way to create, edit, view and delete ZRM for MySQL users. It also lets you register ZMC users with the Zmanda Network. Please take the time to register users with the Zmanda Network; registration is required for accessing the Zmanda Network Knowledgebase from within the Zmanda Management Console.



ZMC User

The default username is Admin, with a password of admin. You should change this upon first login. ZMC users are not linked to LDAP or Active Directory services.

User name
Choose a user name. The name can be any alphanumeric string. Dots (.) and dashes (-) are allowed; spaces are not.
Email address 
This address will be used if the user's password must be recovered (see the Login page).It is important to configure the ZRM server to send emails. Otherwise, emails sent to this address will not be delivered.
The ZMC user password. You must enter it twice for confirmation purposes.
User Role
ZRM for MySQL implements a Simple RBAC (Role Based Access Control) scheme: A user can either be an operator or an administrator.

An administrator can:

  • create backup sets and assign their ownership to anyone in the system.
  • edit or delete backup sets owned by any other user in the system.
  • see all events and all alerts.

An operator can:

  • Create backup sets owned by that operator.
  • Edit or delete backup sets owned by that operator.
  • See all alerts, but only the events attached to the backup set owned by that operator.


Associating with Zmanda Network

Zmanda Network username and password
These fields lets you associate the ZMC user with an existing Zmanda Network login ID. Enter the username (i.e., the email address) and password that were provided during Zmanda network registration. Click the Add button to validate the Zmanda network login details. If the login credentials are correct (i.e., they match those in the Zmanda Network), the change is updated on the ZMC user list. 

Editing/Deleting ZMC User

To edit or delete an existing user, click either the Edit or Delete link next to that user. When you click Edit, the contents of the row are displayed in the fields above for editing.

All Users can edit their own password and email address; only users with administrator privileges can edit or delete another user's account.