Project:Zmanda Recovery Manager for MySQL 3.6 > ZRM Enterprise 3.6.1 Release Notes

ZRM Enterprise 3.6.1 Release Notes

ZRM Enterprise 3.6.1 provides bug fixes for ZRM 3.6 release.  This release includes changes for both ZRM server and client.

All 3.6 customers are recommended to install this release. 

It is important to read ZRM 3.6 release notes and ZRM Enterprise 3.6 documentation also.

Installation procedure

Note: Zmanda Management Console should not be in use during this process.  ZRM backup or restoration should not be in progress. Customers should have installed ZRM 3.6 on both ZRM server and MySQL server before installing ZRM 3.6.1

  1. ZRM Enterprise 3.6.1 should be installed on ZRM server.
  1. Copy the downloaded patch tar ball as super user to the ZRM server.
  • Extract the tar ball in a temporary directory as superuser.

# tar xzf patch-ZRM-3.6.1.tar.gz

  • Change directory to patch-ZRM-3.6.1 sub-directory.
  • Change permissions for the installation script.

# chmod 700

  • Run the script as superuser.

# ./

Changes in the release

  • ZRM backups continue when MySQL Enterprise Backup prints a warning message.
  • Table level restores work for compressed compressed logical backups.
  • Selective restoration of databases/tables is possible for MySQL server 5.6.
  • Backup errors are displayed in Monitor pages and Report Summary pages.
  • Backup images are purged as retention policy even if the backup images are stored as symbolic links to some other location.
  • Binary logs are not flushed if Copy Binary Logs are disabled for full backups.
  • Backup encryption works with both gpg2 and gpg.