ZRM Enterprise 3.7 provides new functionality and has fixes for the issues reported by ZRM Enterprise customers (see the changes below).
Compatibility with previous versions of ZRM Enterprise
- ZRM Enterprise 3.7 Installer detects the existing installation of ZRM Enterprise 3.6. Users can upgrade from ZRM Enterprise 3.6 release automatically. Please save the configuration when prompted during the upgrade process.
- It will be necessary to upgrade ZRM clients to 3.7 if you plan to use new backup method such as parallel logical backup using MyDumper command.
Upgrading to ZRM Enterprise 3.7
You can upgrade from ZRM server from 3.6 to 3.7 by running the ZRM server 3.7 installer. It will automatically detect the presence of earlier installation and prompt the user for the upgrade. The configuration will be preserved during upgrade. Before the upgrade process, it is important to make a copy of /etc/mysql-zrm/mysql-zrm.conf* files on the ZRM server. If there are changes to this file, they will have to manually merged. Please contact Zmanda support if you need help with the merge.
Users upgrading from ZRM Enterprise 3.6 and earlier should be aware of following changes:
- Before upgrading to ZRM 3.7, please make sure you have installed libstdc++.i686 on the ZRM linux server before running ZRM 3.7 installer.
- ZRM 3.7 uses more memory and disk space for the internal database. Please make sure sufficient disk space is available in /opt directory before upgrading to 3.7.
- After upgrading to ZRM 3.7, please clear browser cache before accessing Zmanda Management Console. Otherwise, cached components from ZRM 3.6 might appear in the browser.
- If you are performing table level restores of backups done using earlier releases of ZRM, you will have to run following command as mysql user on the ZRM server
$ /usr/bin/mysql-zrm-parse-sql --source-directory <backup image directory>
You can upgrade the ZRM client software on the clients by running package install program such as rpm, dpkg, pkgadd as appropriate for the platform. If the package manager does not provide an upgrade option, you can uninstall 3.6 package and install 3.7 package.
Users upgrading from releases earlier than ZRM 3.6 should contact Zmanda Support team. Zmanda offers Quick Upgrade services for customers who would like Zmanda to perform the upgrade from older releases.
Note: If you are planning to upgrade by uninstalling the 3.6 version and installing ZRM Enterprise 3.7, you must make a copy of /etc/mysql-zrm/mysql-zrm.conf* files on the ZRM server. Otherwise, the changes to these files will be lost (Site specific backup set configuration).
Compatibility with Amanda Enterprise
The Amanda backup server can reside on the same machine as the ZRM server. Amanda Enteprise 3.3.x is compatible with ZRM server 3.7. Please use the following procedure (order of steps is important):
- Install Amanda 3.3.x or ZRM 3.7 server (i.e. install the first product if it is not installed)
- Change permissions on /etc/zmanda directory on the backup server
# chmod 777 /etc/zmanda
- Change permissions on the configuration files
# chmod 755 /etc/zmanda/*.cnf
- Install ZRM 3.7/Amanda 3.3.x server (install the other product)
- Change permissions on the configuration files that were installed in the last step
# chmod 755 /etc/zmanda/*.cnf
- Restart the ZMC services in the following order
# /etc/init.d/zmc_aee stop
# /etc/init.d/zmc_zrm stop
# /etc/init.d/zmc_zrm start
# /etc/init.d/zmc_aee start
- You should be able to configure Amanda and ZRM backup sets using ZMC
For installing ZRM 3.7 along with older versions of Amanda Enterprise, please contact Zmanda Support team before installation.
Note: Please ignore the message about the man page for zm-support tool is already installed when you are installing the second product.
- Zmanda Management Console enhancements
- New Report pages in ZMC - Report Purged Backups, Report Restore Summary (Restore reports).
- Data is now stored in MariaDB - robust but requires additional disk space and memory.
- Backup configuration verification checks for ZRM client version.
- Backup reports across backup sets can be exported from ZMC.
- Parallel Backup runs
- Backups are performed in parallel. The copying of backup images to ZRM server is done at the same time another backup is in progress.
- Status of multiple backup runs that are in progress in parallel are displayed in the ZMC Monitor page.
- You can queue one more backup run when a backup is in progress.
- Logical and Parallel Backups improvements
- Backups can be restored at table level (in addition to databases).
- Table Level Backups can be restored to different database names. User must select all tables in the database in Restore What page and provide alternate database name for restoration. Database with alternate name should already exist in the MySQL server.
- Faster restoration for select databases.
- Xtrabackup and MySQL Enterprise Backup improvements
- Default mode is streaming. No additional disk space is required on the MySQL server.
- Support for Xtrabackup 2.19 and MySQL Enterprise Backup 3.10 releases.
- Added options to use compression provided by Xtrabackup and MySQL Enterprise Backup tools. The qpress compression tool must be installed to use xtrabackup compression on the MySQL server.
- Backups performed using these tools in ZRM have been made faster and restores of these backup images more robust. The logs are applied during backups and need not be applied during restores. In earlier releases, logs were applied during restore operation. As a result, restores will be faster and will require less disk space in the temporary directory on the MySQL server.
For a full list of supported platforms please review the compatibility guide here.
ZRM Enterprise 3.7 documentation provides detailed information on how to install and configure Amanda server and client on these platforms.