For installation using a method other than the Rapid Installer, please see the sections that follow.
1. Copy the Rapid Installer binary file to the host where the given component will be installed.
2. Log in to the host as the superuser.
3. Make sure that the Rapid Installer binary file (it may have .bin extension also) is executable. For example:
# chmod +x {{web.html($Installer_command)}}
4. Run the installer by double-clicking on it, or enter the following command line:
# ./{{web.html($Installer_command)}}
5. The Rapid Installer then starts. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Important Note: When prompted to choose the Zmanda Web Server protocol, we strongly recommend that you choose https for security reasons. Even if you choose http for browser/ZMC communication, the ZMC still requires HTTPS for internal communication purposes, and will therefore prompt you for an SSL port during installation in all cases.
Note: The installer performs several tasks after creating and populating the Zmanda directories. These are completed after the progress bar (which only tracks the archive extraction) shows 100% completion. These tasks take time. Please wait till they complete.
6. After the {{web.html($Product_name)}} binaries have been extracted and installed, the Zmanda Management Console is launched and the readme file is displayed. The readme file includes the default Zmanda Management Console username and password. You can now login to the console using any supported browser and begin configuring backup sets.
Run the installer with the --help option to see what command line parameters are available.
Important Note to Customers of {{web.html($Other_product)}}: Before running the uninstall script for {{web.html($Product_name)}}, you must first stop the {{web.html($Other_product)}} services from running (enter {{web.html($other_product_service_cl)}} stop as root), then restart it manually after the uninstall script completes ({{web.html($other_product_service_cl)}} start).
You can uninstall {{web.html($Product_name)}} by running the uninstall script located at {{web.html($AAE_path)}}/uninstall on the backup server. Using this script, you can remove the {{web.html($Product_name)}} binaries, with the option of leaving configuration files intact. Follow the on-screen instructions after running the script.
The uninstaller program does not remove the backup scheduled in the crontab. They will have to be removed manually.