Page last modified 20:58, 5 May 2006 by Ppragin?

How to restore data to the client from the backup server using (amrecover)

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Using amrecover command to restore data on the client from the backup server:
1. amrecover DailySet1 -t -s #run on client while in restore directory to enter the amrecover interface

[root@vmclient restore]# amrecover disk  -t vmserver -s vmserver
AMRECOVER Version 2.5.0. Contacting server on vmserver ...
220 vmserver AMANDA index server (2.5.0) ready.
200 Access OK
Setting restore date to today (2006-05-03)
200 Working date set to 2006-05-03.
200 Config set to disk.
200 Dump host set to
Trying disk / ...
Trying disk rootfs ...
Use the setdisk command to choose dump disk to recover

Commands while logged in to amrecover interface:
2. sethost "client_hostname" #specifies which host to look at backup files for
3. setdate YYYY-MM-DD #file listing commands like "ls" only return information on backup images for this day
3. listdisk #lists all the file systems backed up on the client host on the date set in the prviuos command

amrecover> listdisk
200- List of disk for host
201- /boot
200 List of disk for host

4. history #show all backup history like "date of backup", "bakup level", "tape label" for a particular file system previously set with command setdisk

amrecover> sethost vmclient
501 Host vmclient is not in your disklist.
Trying host ...
200 Dump host set to
amrecover>  sethost
200 Dump host set to
amrecover> setdisk /boot
200 Disk set to /boot.
amrecover> history
200- Dump history for config "disk" host "" disk /boot
201- 2006-05-03-12-52-00 1 disk-2:1
201- 2006-05-03-08-53-14 1 disk-1:1
201- 2006-05-03-08-49-40 0 disk-25:1
200 Dump history for config "disk" host "" disk /boot

5. add file1 file2 #adds the specified files or directories to the restore list
6. lwd #shows the amrecover working directory and all files will be restored under this directory
7. extract #restores the files or dirs that were added to the restore list (make sure you have set the correct local working directory
8. settape amandaserver:/dev/nst0 #sets the tape drive and tape host to restore from
9. settape amandaserver:file:/var/lib/amanda/vtapes/DailySet1/vtape1 #sets the virtual tape drive and tape host to restore from