Restore What

Restoring from ZMC  

ZMCRestore Whatpage is the first step in restoring files using the Zmanda Management Console. 


TheRestore Whatpage specifies what to restore. It allows you to choose asingle fileor asingle directoryorall directories/ files under a single directory.  


Selecting what to restore is a three-step process:   

1.    Use Select Backup Set option to specify which Backup set is to be restored.   

2.    Select the Host name and Directory path 

3.    Use the Restore To (on or before) sub-section to restore to a particular state of the backup set.   


Use the Restore Preference option to specify the type of restore. You can use the Restore All option to restore the complete backup image or use Explore & Select option to view the directory tree of the backed-up data and select files manually or use Search Specific files to search for specific files to restore.  


Restore To (on or before)   

This field is optional. When Today is checked/ selected or if no date and time is given, current date and time is used. Format for the date is to be given in DD-MM-YYYY.  Alternatively, this field will be automatically populated if when any row from the drop list is selected while editing the Alias/ Directory/ Path field. 


Host Name  

It is a required field. This shows the name of host whose backup is to be restored. The hostname must exactly match the name given in the ZMCBackup Whatpage for this backup set.You can click theEdit/ Pencilicon to select various possible options.  

Alias/ Directory/ Path     

It is a required field. This indicates the directory/ path/ Alias that is to be restored. The value must exactly match the name given in the ZMC Backup What page for the backup set. You can use the Edit/ Pencil icon to get all possible values for this field for the host specified in the Host Name field. 

Explore & Select Option

This restore preference is displayed only for the sources to which it is supported. The Explore option acts as a link between the selected hostname and directory, and the directory tree displayed in Select directories/ files panel as shown below. This panel is in the lower left-hand side of the page. Click to Retrieve File List will populate the detailed list in the Select directories/ files panel below it.



Expand the tree structure to get into the sub-directory levels and select the files. Tick the checkboxes of the desired files or directories to select for restoration. Selected entries can be differentiated by tick marks in their respective checkboxes.  

Explore process can take time and the time taken depends on the number of entries in the Amanda index for the Host Name and the Directory 

Explore and select is supported for Linux, MAC, NFS/iSCSI/Lustre, Network/CIFS share, Solaris, Windows NTFS/ReFS, Windows Template, Microsoft Exchange, and Microsoft Hyper-V source types.  

Search Specific Files Option

When you search for specific files to restore, you can provide a specific pattern to search for and you can do an exact match or the files/folders that begin with the pattern, end with the pattern, or contain that pattern. All folders/ directories with the pattern are displayed in Select directories/ files panel as shown below for selection.