Project:Amanda Enterprise 3.5 > Amanda Enterprise Edition 3.5 Release Notes

Amanda Enterprise Edition 3.5 Release Notes

Table of contents
      1. 1.1.1. Upgrading from Amanda Enterprise 3.4
  1. 2. You can run the installer to upgrade from earlier versions of Amanda Enterprise 3.4. Please make sure you preserve configuration and data if you decide to uninstall earlier version of Amanda Enteprise 3.3.x and install Amanda Enterprise 3.5. Zmanda Backup Appliance running Amanda Enterprise 3.4 can be upgraded to Amanda Enterprise 3.5.
      1. 2.1.1. Upgrading from Amanda Enterprise 3.3.9 
      2. 2.1.2. Upgrading Amanda Enterprise Linux/Mac OS X/Solaris Clients to 3.5
  2. 3. Do NOT use package upgrade option to upgrade to 3.5  Uninstall the old package and install 3.5 client packages. For rpm based installations, use the following commands: rpm -e <amanda enterprise client extension package> rpm -e <amanda enterprise client package> rpm -i amanda_enterprise-backup_client-3.5-1.* rpm -i amanda_enterprise-extensions-client-3.5-1* For debian/ubuntu installations, use the following commands: dpkg --remove <amanda enterprise client extension package> dpkg --remove <amanda enterprise client package> dpkg --install amanda-enterprise-backup-client_3.5* dpkg --install amanda-enterprise-extensions-client_3.5* On MacOS X, Install the package by double clicking on the disk image (.dmg) for the client and extensions packages.
      1. 3.1.1. Upgrading Amanda Enterprise Windows Client to 3.5
  3. 4.  
      1. 4.1.1. Changes in 3.5
  4. 5. For a full list of supported platforms please review the compatibility guide here. Amanda Enterprise 3.5 documentation provides detailed information on how to install and configure Amanda server and client on these platforms.
      1. 5.1.1. Known Issues
      2. 5.1.2.  

Amanda Enterprise Manuals 

Amanda Enterprise 3.5 provides new functionality and fixes issues reported by Amanda Enterprise customers.

Zmanda Windows Client, Linux/Solaris/Mac clients 3.5 are available along with 3.5 server release.

Upgrading from Amanda Enterprise 3.4

You can run the installer to upgrade from earlier versions of Amanda Enterprise 3.4. Please make sure you preserve configuration and data if you decide to uninstall earlier version of Amanda Enteprise 3.3.x and install Amanda Enterprise 3.5.

Zmanda Backup Appliance running Amanda Enterprise 3.4 can be upgraded to Amanda Enterprise 3.5.

Upgrading from Amanda Enterprise 3.3.9 

You have to uninstall Amanda Enterprise 3.3.x by running /opt/zmanda/amanda/uninstall program. Please preserve configurations and data when prompted.  Run Amanda Enterprise 3.5 installer to upgrade the software.

If you are running Amanda Enterprise server in DR (disaster recovery) configuration, please contact Zmanda Support for DR changes before upgrading Amanda Enterprise Server to 3.3.9.

Upgrading Amanda Enterprise Linux/Mac OS X/Solaris Clients to 3.5

  • Do NOT use package upgrade option to upgrade to 3.5  Uninstall the old package and install 3.5 client packages.
  • For rpm based installations, use the following commands:
    • rpm -e <amanda enterprise client extension package>
    • rpm -e <amanda enterprise client package>
    • rpm -i amanda_enterprise-backup_client-3.5-1.*
    • rpm -i amanda_enterprise-extensions-client-3.5-1*
  • For debian/ubuntu installations, use the following commands:
    • dpkg --remove <amanda enterprise client extension package>
    • dpkg --remove <amanda enterprise client package>
    • dpkg --install amanda-enterprise-backup-client_3.5*
    • dpkg --install amanda-enterprise-extensions-client_3.5*
  • On MacOS X,
    • Install the package by double clicking on the disk image (.dmg) for the client and extensions packages.

Upgrading Amanda Enterprise Windows Client to 3.5


Run the Zmanda Windows Client installer. It will detect the earlier version and provide an option to upgrade to 3.5. Follow the steps in the installer to install the client.


Changes in 3.5

  • Amanda Enterprise server and client support for newer versions of Windows, Ubuntu, Debian, RHEL and Fedora distributions. See Supported Platform for list of distributions supported.
  • Support for cloud backup using http proxies in ZMC.
  • Support for latest version of OpenStack cloud
  • Support for Hyper-V 2016 server and VMware 6.5 release
  • Support for Windows 2016 server
  • Support for Windows deduplicated volumes
  • Some of the defects that were fixed in this release and enchancements are:
    • Exclude files in file system backups did not work well with Schily tar. This issue has been fixed.
    • ZMC web server configuration security has been improved.
    • More information about the VMware VM is provided in ZMC Backup Where page.
    • Vaulting operation failed with "No dumps to Vault" when there are backup images to be vaulted. 
    • ZMC monitor page fails to show backup results when Amanda log directory is changed.
    • Backup set duplication allows users to select the policies that have to be duplicated (storage, schedule, what is backed up). 
    • ZMC monitor page filters have been improved so that it works better when there are lot of backup runs.
    • SQL server restore does not fail if the destination folder is not available.
    • ZMC Backup Where page shows correct number of tape drives.

For a full list of supported platforms please review the compatibility guide here.

Amanda Enterprise 3.5 documentation provides detailed information on how to install and configure Amanda server and client on these platforms.

Known Issues

  • If you restore Windows deduplication volume backup ("source volume") to another deduplication volume, the Deduplication method of source volume is used on the restored volume. For example: If you restore backup of volume with deduplication method "General File server" to a volume with deduplication method "VDI", the restored volume will have deduplication method "General File server".