Zmanda Documentation > Restorerestore




  • The Run Restore is the third and last step in the recovery/restore process in Zmanda Management Console.

Run Restore Page - Main Functionalities

  • The main functionality of the Run Restore page is to allow users to actually restore the data to the directory they have chosen . The data will be restored as per the conflict resolution options that they have specified.

Run Restore Page Overview

Fig. 1 Run Restore Overview

  • Like all other functional pages of ZMC, the Run Restore page has its main functionality in the center, while other common-to-most-pages functionalities are grouped at the top of the page.
  • Explanation of common functionalities enclosed in a light blue rectangle at top in Fig 1 can be found on Common Functionality page.
  • In the image above,the main functionality area is enclosed in the lower Navy Blue rectangle.

Run Restore Page – Procedure

Fig. 2 Run Restore

Restore From / To Settings panel

  • The left panel (No 1 above) displays the Restore From and Restore To settings that have been set earlier in Restore Where pages.
  • These are not editable here.
  • If any editing has to be done to the data displayed, it has to be done on Restore What and Restore Where pages.

Directories / Files to be Restored

  • The left panel (No 2 above) also displays the Directories /Files to be restored that have been selected earlier in Restore What pages.
  • These are not editable here.
  • If any editing has to be done to the data displayed, it has to be done on Restore Where pages.

Page Turner control

  • To cater to long lists of items that may be needed to be restored,the list at the bottom has a page turner control.

Fig. 3 Page Turner

Output panel

  • The right hand panel, Output panel, (No 3 above), is initially blank showing a message that "No Task Launched".
  • If there had been an earlier restore operation,it will show that output.
  • Clicking Clear output hyper link will clear the panel.

Restore Button

  • When Restore Button is clicked, it changes its message and asks for the password to the Destination Host (if ssh key exchange has not been setup).
  • If ssh key exchange is setup it will tell users which tapes will be required for this restore operation.

Fig. 4 Password

  • Supply the password and click the Submit button.

Submit Button

  • Restore task will start on clicking the Submit Button.
  • It will ask users to supply the appropriate tapes in the appropriate slots.
    • If an archive spans more than one tape, ZMC will prompt for additional tapes as required.
  • Once all tapes have been supplied, the Directories/Files will be restored in the Destination Directory.
  • Necessary changes will be made to the Existing files as per the chosen option(s).

Next Step

  • The page has no dependencies. Users are free to go to any other page or quit the application.
  • Most users will want to open the files restored to check that they contain the proper data.